Intelligent Energy

Smart meters are replacing traditional gas and electricity meters and are being installed in homes and small businesses across Great Britain. When you’re focusing on keeping a business running smoothly, anything that helps make the day-to-day challenges a bit easier can be a welcome relief. The benefits smart meters bring can be a great help for small businesses owners. 

Save time

Meter readings are sent directly, and securely, to energy suppliers, so you can wave goodbye to doing it manually. This means less admin for you and more time to focus on other areas of your business.

Provide accurate billing

Smart meters put an end to estimated bills. This means you know exactly how much your energy use is costing and you are only paying for what you actually use - which can be helpful when budgeting and managing your cash flow.

Save money

Smart meters track energy use in near-real time and can give businesses access to information on how much they’re spending at that moment and historically. It’s a simple but effective tool to help take control over your business’ energy use now and in the future.

If you have fewer than 10 employees, you could be able to get a smart meter. 

Contact your energy supplier to request a smart meter* or find out more.

*eligibility may vary