KP Nuts celebrates milestone 70th anniversary

KP has been delivering delicious, high-quality nuts since 1953 and this year the brand is celebrating its 70th anniversary.  In the last 70 years, KP has become the UK’s number one nut brand, worth £97m and growing in value +19.1%[1]. With a 25.6% share of the Nuts segment, KP is more than five times the size of the nearest branded competitor[2].

The last year was one of the most successful for the brand, with KP delivering new products for different occasions and tastes, with both format and flavour innovation.

Nuts are an essential part of the UK snacks market and KP Nuts has been at the forefront of keeping up with market expectations and meeting consumer demands. 76% of consumers recognise that nuts provide a positive source of energy and 24% of shoppers are looking to increase protein in their diet. KP Nuts plays well to these dynamics with its high protein and fibre content. 

KP Snacks is looking to raise awareness of the history and successes of the KP brand as it celebrates this milestone. 


[1]  Nielsen IQ, Total Coverage, Total Value, MAT  12.08.23
[2]  Nielsen IQ, Total Coverage, Total Value, MAT  12.08.23