Opinion: More than a business

Andrea Rasca, chief executive officer of Mercato Metropolitano, on how the hospitality sector can be a catalyst for change in 2024.

2023 proved to be yet another challenging year for the hospitality sector, with Brexit, the cost-of-living crisis, new immigration rules and geopolitical tensions casting a shadow. As we enter 2024, it's clear that further disruptions await the industry.

The need for community engagement
In these turbulent times, it's tempting for businesses to focus solely on self-preservation. However, we must recognise that the challenges of the current economic and political landscape affect not only businesses but also the communities they serve. In London alone, 25% of working families have faced struggles to put food on the table over the past year.

Hospitality venues must understand that merely existing within their communities isn't sufficient. They have a unique opportunity to positively impact the people they serve.

Driving positive transformation
With approximately 143,000 businesses, the hospitality sector stands at the heart of communities. It provides jobs, significantly contributes to the UK economy, and creates safe, welcoming spaces for people. The potential for our businesses to make a meaningful impact on the lives of people is undeniable.

However, given the announcement of stricter immigration policies and research highlighting the emotional toll on night workers, the first step for the sector is to ensure better, fairer working conditions for employees. Mercato Metropolitano, and its broader mission Movimento Metropolitano, exemplify this commitment by successfully achieving accreditation with the Mayor's Good Work Standard's Achievement level. This initiative aims to improve the working lives of Londoners by setting criteria for organisations and helping them meet benchmarks.

Furthermore, by adopting a socially responsible and sustainable economic model, Mercato Metropolitano serves as an example of how aligning daily operations with principles of human rights, fair labour practices and environmental impact can not only enhance business performance but also positively affect communities.

Purposeful policy
While local change is essential, hospitality businesses can't support communities without government assistance. The UK government holds the key to creating a positive economic and political environment for both the hospitality sector and the communities it serves. However, current policies fall short of addressing the true needs of businesses and communities alike.

Though the recent announcement of the expected rise in the national living wage to £11.44 an hour in April 2024 and Sir Keir Starmer's speech represent steps in the right direction, the government must shift its perspective and prioritise policies that are pro-people and genuinely responsive to community needs.

Businesses and charities have consistently stepped up to fill the gaps created by policies, but they require government support to continue their impactful efforts. Like any other industry, the hospitality sector needs specific, tangible solutions that reflect a comprehensive understanding of the challenges it faces.

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