Lantmännen: Premium sandwiches now preferred

According to new research from Schulstad Bakery Solutions, 20% of consumers purchase premium sandwiches because of the perceived health benefits, with a further 26% buying them as a treat. The Lantmännen Unibake brand says that this demonstrates the scale of opportunity for operators up and down the country.

It found that a further 20% will buy a premium sandwich to enjoy better quality bread, 30% because of the quality of the filling and – perhaps unsurprisingly – 51% because of the superior taste and flavour combinations on offer. Over half (53%) buy a premium sandwich weekly and, with the baguette coming in as the most popular premium bread carrier (35%), followed by panini (22%) and ciabatta (15%), there are plenty of opportunities for businesses to drive sales by offering shoppers a range of options and catering for multiple tastes.

The revenue opportunity is clear, as 30% are willing to pay between £3 and £3.99 for a standard sandwich (not served on a ciabatta, a baguette or a panini). A fifth of the nation (20%), however, would look to spend an extra £2.50 on a premium sandwich.

If consumers are going to pay more for a premium sandwich, then they are looking for a degree of personalisation and control over what they buy. In fact, 65% would choose to build their own sandwich or customise a menu option, with just 35% selecting straight from the menu.

Consumers want more than a cheese and pickle filling, too. Italian inspired fillings, such as cured meats, are the preferred purchase for 50%, with Mexican and barbecue coming in second place with 35% of the vote each. As with other cuisines in the hospitality industry, Asian flavours are also a popular choice, with 30% agreeing. This global inspiration has also influenced the temperature at which we like to enjoy our premium sandwiches, with 41% preferring theirs hot, compared to 27% choosing a cold option, and 32% having no preference.

Samantha Winsor, marketing manager for Schulstad Bakery Solutions, said: “It’s been interesting to delve into British consumer’s premium purchasing habits and to see that trends in other areas of the hospitality industry, such as street food, are mirrored in our sandwich purchasing habits. This is especially true for Asian flavours; in fact, 30% of consumers agreed this is their preferred filling when purchasing a sandwich, paving the way for operators to include flavours such as teriyaki, siracha and kimchi within their sandwich menus.

“The research allows a range of operators to elevate and update their sandwich offering to ensure it is in line with consumer trends and needs, including using a better quality of bread that health-conscious consumers are keen to benefit from. This will not only drive customers through the door, as they are enticed with a menu that gives them what they want, but it will also encourage existing customers to trade up to a more premium offering.”

When asked what makes a sandwich ‘premium’, 56% of consumers agreed quality of ingredients was the biggest marker. The type of bread came in second at 45%, while flavour, such as sourdough, finished third on 39%.

Winsor added: “In a world gripped by the cost-of-living crisis, this further emphasises the public’s desire to still treat themselves by upgrading their meal, such as to a premium sandwich.” 

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